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Basyud: The data on the ground confirm the emergence of a new stage, its title is liberation, and its requirements are the alignment to achieve it

Tuesday 04 January 2022 / - Exclusive follow-ups


A leader in the Yemeni Islah Party in Hadhramawt Governorate said that the data and facts on the ground confirm that Yemen is coming to a new stage, its title is liberation, which includes the requirements of aligning to achieve it.

In a post on his official Facebook page, the Assistant Secretary of the Yemeni Islah Party in the Hadhramawt Valley and Desert, Engineer Rabi' Basyud, made it clear that "an era will inevitably pass forever and those days, with its ups and downs, will be folded."

He added: History will write and record those events on its pages in two cases, the first case: A page on letters from light, which are those giant positions that Yemenis of all kinds carried out in resisting the Houthi expansion, who wanted to divert the march of their struggle and sacrifices to live in a country where everyone is sheltered by the values of love, brotherhood and a common destiny, and the second case: Another dark page for every person who worked, helped or planned so that Yemen and its people would not exist, whether it was by incitement or programmed action and was on the side of the putschists.

The Assistant Secretary of the Hadhramaut Valley Islah Party continued, saying: “It is enough suffering and pain for us, displaced here, homeless there and hungry in between.”

Basyud stressed that there is no choice for the Houthis but to submit and respond to the calls for peace and outstretched hands, and not to be deceived by the arrogance, indicating that what is possible today may not be possible tomorrow.

