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Head of the Political Department of the Hadhramawt Islah Party: Aden is subjected to a systematic shoveling of competencies and deliberate destruction of coexistence

Thursday 09 December 2021 /


The head of the Political Department of the Yemeni Islah Party in Hadhramawt Governorate, Muhammad Ba Latif, expressed his deep regret for the systematic shoveling of competencies that the city of Aden is subjected to, the deliberate destruction of coexistence, the disruption of the societal fabric and the sowing of seeds of discord.


In a statement he made to the website, Ba Latif confirmed that the assassinations that occur in Aden are the eradication of the diversity that the city is proud of throughout the ages.


He explained that the images of almost daily assassinations in the interim capital, Aden, target qualified cadres and eliminate the political and societal symbols, as well as those working in the field of spreading Islamic religion at the hands of suspicious parties, with the complicity, cover-up and inaction of some of the authorities responsible for security in Aden, in light of suspicious government and official silence.


