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Taiz ... a popular demonstration rejecting the chaos and protesting the deterioration of the economic situation

Monday 03 September 2018 / — Follow-up


Hundreds of citizens gathered this morning in Gamal Street — Taiz center for protesting against the deterioration of the economic situation and rejecting the acts of chaos and violations committed by armed gangs in a number of Taiz areas.

Demonstrators gathered in front of the interim headquarters of the Governorate, raising slogans supporting the state and emphasizing the support of the national army and security against the coup militias and armed gangs.

In the demonstration, slogans condemning the economic deterioration and low standard of living which reached catastrophic levels were raised. The demonstrators also called on the government and the Arab Alliance for urgent and serious intervention in order to deal with the collapse of the national currency and the rescue of citizens.

In their statement, the demonstrators stressed their standing with the state, the national army and the local authority, demanding the authorities not to tolerate those who spread chaos and the need to bring killers to justice and impose security in liberated areas.

The demonstrators also called on the security services to intervene quickly to remove the checkpoints of the gunmen that newly created in the main streets, demanding the local authority and the security services assume their responsibilities in light of the increasing acts of cutting roads and kidnapping citizens and travelers by those checkpoints.

On the other hand, the statement referred to the difficult living conditions suffered by the Yemeni people, calling on the legitimate authority and brothers in the Arab Alliance to assume their legal and moral responsibility to face the deterioration of the living situation, high prices and deterioration of the national currency, pointing out that dealing with the living and economic conditions is the basis in the battle with the priestly Houthi militia.

