الجمعة 10-05-2024 09:31:07 ص : 2 - ذو القعدة - 1445 هـ
آخر الاخبار

The Yemeni Islah Party in Aden condemns the assassination attempt of one of its leaders and demands conducting an investigation and holds the security men responsible

الأربعاء 01 أغسطس-آب 2018 الساعة 09 مساءً / Al-Islah.net - Aden


The Yemeni Islah Party in the interim capital of Aden, Adan strongly condemned the criminal incident of Tuesday morning in the Directorate of al-Mu'ala. The incident targeted Dr. Aref Ahmed Ali - the member of the Islah's Shoura Council in Aden and the Secretary General of the Syndicate of Doctors in Aden city - and his young son Ahmed by detonating his car with an explosive device planted at the bottom of the car. This assassination attempt resulted in the amputation of the son's right leg, deformity of the left leg and amputation of the fingers of his hand, and his health has not stabilized until this moment.


In its statement, the Islah Party in Aden called on the Presidency of the Republic, the Government, the Minister of the Interior and all the security services to bear their responsibilities with regard to targeting civilian life and the national components supporting the legitimacy in general and targeting the cadres and members of Islah in Aden in particular.


It also called for the formation of a committee of conducting investigation regarding the crimes of assassinations that targeted the innocent sons of Aden in general and members of the Islah in particular, in order to uncover the perpetrators of this criminal scheme that emptied this city of its cadres and symbols, as well as to confront the forces that destroy the social, political and cultural structures, and empting Aden of its active components, its peaceful spirit and transforming it into a focus of destructive conflicts and armed militias.


The Islah Party in Aden said that the Ministry of the Interior, the Director of Aden Security and the relevant bodies bear full responsibility for all the assassinations witnessed by the interim capital of Aden since the liberation until today, due to the failure to perform their duties, stressing that this crime is no less horrifying than the crime of storming the house of Dr. Aref last October under the darkness of night by gunmen following the Aden Security Department and taking him to one of its prisons without guilt or accusation.


The statement called on the Ministry of the Interior and its security services to carry out their duties to protect Aden and to protect the lives of its citizens from assassinations, arrests and all forms of torture, and it also called for conducting an immediate investigation into the systematic crimes of assassinations carried out without any conscience or deterrent.


The statement also called on the President of the Republic to provide protection to the people of Aden from all forms of tampering and violations and the speed of making decisions and procedures to ensure that, and giving his orders to treat the son of Dr. Aref abroad at the expense of the State, calling on all political forces and local, regional and international human rights organizations to condemn this sinful crime and solidarity with the innocent victims and demanding that those perpetrators be held accountable in order to maintain social peace.

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