الجمعة 10-05-2024 08:43:17 ص : 2 - ذو القعدة - 1445 هـ
آخر الاخبار

We support all alliances under the legitimate authority

الأربعاء 18 إبريل-نيسان 2018 الساعة 11 مساءً / الإصلاح نت - خاص


One of Islah leaders pointed out to that the party supports and adopts all forms of alliances with political parties and social forces in order to confront the coup militias within the framework of the legitimate authority headed by President Hadi, the official state institutions and the outputs of the National Dialogue.

“Any military or security formations, or political coalitions that do not recognize the legitimacy of the authority are considered a threat to the Yemeni state,” Ali al-Jaradi, head of Islah Information and Culture Department, said in his blog on Tweeter.

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