الجمعة 10-05-2024 07:07:22 ص : 2 - ذو القعدة - 1445 هـ
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Report: 268 abuses have been committed in Mahweet by Houthi militias during the first three months of 2018

الأربعاء 18 إبريل-نيسان 2018 الساعة 09 مساءً / الإصلاح نت - خاص


A human rights report issued by Rassed Organization for Freedoms & Rights in Mahweet governorate revealed that Houthi militias have committed 268 violations during the first three months of 2018.

These abuses represented in abduction, forced displacement and recruitment, looting citizens and merchants under various names, the prosecution of opponents of the Houthi coup. In addition to the occupation of several state institutions, numerous associations, party headquarters, Qur'an houses, creating checkpoints and other abuses that are nearly practiced every day.

In its report in which abuses recorded, the Organization said that 45 cases are still in the militia prisons for more than two years and refuses to release them. These included 6 cases of forced disappearance, 13 cases of incitement, and 74 cases of kidnapping citizens without any cause, 2 cases of breaking into villages, 25 cases of child recruitment, 17 cases of occupying Qur'an houses, 43 cases of occupying government buildings and 9 cases of occupying private buildings.

The report added that the militia has been arrested women and children while traveling to their families in the areas controlled by the legitimate forces and 9 cases of financial blackmailing. In the matter of mosques, there are 7 cases of breaking into mosques and imposing preachers by force, at the same time the breaking into shops went as far as into 4 cases, and the obstruction and blackmailing of people traveling to the legitimate areas or outside the country and sometimes they arrested them for many hours in the Houthi checkpoints and the investigation with many of them.

The militia also used crowded civilian areas to launch long-range rockets, endangering civilian lives in those areas. Two weeks ago, a ballistic missile was landed in Sha'afil in the district of Al-Khabt. The militia created a new prison along with the former six prisons. Changing 12 government facilities to military barracks, some of them to prisons for abductees, breaking into sports facilities and clubs and turning them into prisons, militia headquarters and arms stores, as well as establishing a training camp in areas close to civilians in the governorate and conducting military maneuvers constantly.

Houthi militia confiscated more than 2000 cases of relief aid provided by the World Food Program from the orphanage center in Mahweet city. Nearly thirteen times, the militia has collected money by force, pressure and threats under the name of the war effort. Also, the militia resorted to collect livestock and agricultural crops from citizens under pressure and threat for supporting its fighters.

The militia deprived all government employees and retirees from their salaries for more than two consecutive years. The militia also looted millions of Riyals in 29 months of the domestic gas revenues allocated to the governorate which estimated at (YR 4.689.300.000) as differences in the sale of domestic gas and the share of the governorate that goes to pockets of the militia, at the same time it deprives citizens from the gas and sells them on the black market at double prices.

Houthi militia, led by Abu Nassar al-Ghuli, also burned three petrol tankers belonged to businessman Khaled Saatour on Sanaa-Hodeidah road in Al-Khubt district after refusing paying royalties on oil to the Houthi supervisor Abu Nassar al-Ghuli.

The militia forced the heads of the branches in the Education Bureau of the governorate and specialists in the directorates to attend a cultural session in the capital Sana'a. A few days earlier, a course was also held for the directors of the offices in the local councils in the governorate for two weeks. The militia forced general managers of the governorate, the heads of the branches, directors and specialists to attend closed sessions. Any one of them refuses to attend is threatened with dismissal from his job or imprisonment for treason.

The report revealed that Houthi militia intensified its cultural activities by using public schools to establish sectarian courses aimed at spreading hatred among the society and urging going to the fighting fronts. The militias bring pressure to bear on the students and forced them to join the fighting fronts after taking them to Houthi courses. These actions prompted parents to force their children to leave school for fear of brainwashing them by studying Houthi ideas or taking them to the front lines by force.

Houthi militia also seeks to force the military in the governorate to participate in its absurd wars by force. And in order to follow up this procedure, it has formed committees in each district.

Houthi militia continues to collect donations from merchants and expatriates to finance the opening of new cemeteries in the governorate's districts. Five cemeteries were opened days ago, in addition to seven old cemeteries.

At the end of its report, the Organization indicated that this is what Rassed team could document because of the security control imposed on the governorate by the militia, and the Organization called on all Human Rights Organizations to visit the governorate and the secret militia prisons to look closely into the situation of the abducted and disappeared to try to rescue them from militia influence.

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