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A bloody day for journalists in Taiz; one killed, two injured

الإثنين 29 يناير-كانون الثاني 2018 الساعة 08 مساءً / alislah net


Last Saturday was a bloody day for journalists in Yemen's central Taiz where Houthis target journalists covering the ongoing battles between the armed forces and the Shiit Islamist extremists in the city's eastern warfront.

Osama al-Maqtari a freelance report was killed, while Hudhyfa al-Athwari and Azzam Al-Zuebeiri, two freelance photo journalists, were injured as mortar round targeted at them landed in their vicinity and they sustained shrapnel from it.

Last week one local TV correspondent was killed and another correspondent for a Russian TV channel was critically wounded in the same city as Houthis fired a ballistic missile into a military camp where civilians were on the viewer stand watching a graduation ceremony for police cadets.

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alislah net