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The Relief Coalition issues a new report regarding the humanitarian situation in Taiz during April and May 2018

Saturday 09 June 2018 / Al-Islah.net — Taiz


The humanitarian Relief Coalition issued a new report on the humanitarian situation in Taiz governorate in April and May 2018.

In its report, the Relief Coalition announced that 84 families lost their heads of households after they were killed due to the war. Also, about 150 people who were supporting their families were also forced to stop working because of the injuries they had suffered in the past two months.

The report noted that among the total number of civilian killed in April and May, 14 children were reported dead, 9 women and 53 young people, in addition to 24 children, 8 women, and 58 youths were injured, some of these injuries are dangerous, and these injuries were caused by rocket and artillery projectiles targeting residential areas and places where civilians are gathered.

The report of the Relief Coalition also shows that among the registered victims, 6 people were killed and injured as a result of landmines planted by Houthi militias, while another 21 were killed and injured by direct sniping attacks.

At the same time, the report noted that the war in Taiz, particularly during April and May left 324 orphans, who need attention, care and assistance.

According to the report issued by the Humanitarian Relief Coalition, there are 75 homes, facilities and private and public properties that have damaged partially and totally, need rehabilitation, while 162 families were forced to be forcibly displaced from their homes in al-Haimah and Taiziah districts in the southeast of the governorate.

The Relief Coalition renews its call on the government and relief agencies to continue their humanitarian activities and obligations towards civilians in all districts of Taiz governorate. Some of these areas are still witnessing armed confrontations with continued forced displacement and the loss of thousands of people their jobs and livelihoods.