السبت 25-05-2024 13:11:21 م : 17 - ذو القعدة - 1445 هـ
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Islah, homeland and adversities... From fabricating rumors to the behavior of criminality (Brotherization)

السبت 01 ديسمبر-كانون الأول 2018 الساعة 09 مساءً / Al-Islah.net — Exclusive


(Finale Episode)

The authority or the presidency in Yemen has moved from the Chairman of the General People's Congress to the Vice-Chairman of the General People's Congress, meaning from within the Authority and not from outside of it, and then a Government of National Reconciliation had been formed, in which its half members affiliated to the General People's Congress (17 ministerial portfolios), while the other half of members were affiliated to the rest of political forces including the Yemeni Islah Party, which had only four ministries. Consequently, there was no logical justification for the propaganda that had been talking about Brotherization or Islahization, as there was no real ground the charge of Islahization even at the theoretical level.

It had been clear that the counter-revolution and the alliance of Houthi-Saleh and the leftists in general have adopted a joint media vision that was an echo of the information of the counter-revolution and the deep state in Egypt. And under the title of the Brotherization and following the theory of demonization, which means (If you want to get rid from any enemy, and want to prelude for that and as well as to surround him, then you should to demonize him.

Brotherization means to replace State employees with Muslim Brothers in the authority. And in Yemen, it means to replace State employees with Islahi members, which is a process that had not meant a theoretical presence at the level of the Islah. Practically, it is impossible, so it appears to be a highly influential propaganda industry. However, the Islah had not had only four ministries of the more than 30 ministries, although the appointment of Islah members has been very limited.

This rumor had come from the measurement at the level of the self, where senior administrative functions and some of the organs have become closed on the condition of belonging to the General People's Congress and the exclusion of employees because of their party affiliation or independence. The approval of the Office of the President and the National Security Service was a necessary condition for appointment in the public functions.

The aim of these organized rumors was to prelude for the invasion of the country, the overthrow of the authority and the undermining of the Yemeni state.

Replacement of Muslim Brothers and Islahi members with Houthi elements in various State devices, and the total control over them for the actual Houthization.

The obstruction of ending the battle

One of the biggest propaganda of lies against the Islah is the say that Islah is represented an obstruction in the process of ending the war and the crisis. And the talk about this matter is repeated without interruption, especially with the liberation of most Directorate of Nihm, although Islah is not the authority that takes the decisions on the war.

Those people who launch these rumors ignore that the Islah is a political party that supports the legitimacy, not the authority itself, neither the president nor the government. Therefore, the decisions of war are not within the purview of Islah, but they are the purview of institutions that run the war and have the power to make decisions.

Those who launched the rumors, as well as those who believe these rumors, especially the media, are aware of this fact, but they are lying deliberately to distort the Islah Party and also to portray it as if it is controlled the political and military arena and to acquit those who are actually responsible for the political and military situation and to take decisions in this regard.

The Islah is the most affected Yemeni forces from the continuation and prolongation of the war and the impossibility of Islah's communication with the Houthis.

Rumor-makers are ignoring the fact that Islah is the most affected from the war and protracted force in the war and the prolonging of it. All the parties have communications with the authority and the Houthis. However, these parties have not been greatly affected by the Houthis' control, but some of them have benefited from prolonging the war. The end of the war and the transition to the normal case will put these parties in the face of the fact that they are parties closer to the phantom, that their existence is limited, and that the war makes the voice and presence of these parties greater than their real size.

The attempts to find some kind of the Islah's relationship or communication with the Houthis is among the most lies were chanted by some opponents of the legitimacy itself and foreign media. Ali Saleh's followers are desperately trying to cover the century scandal in Yemen, in which Ali Afash handed over the country, its army and security services to the imamate, as well as the betrayal of the September 26, revolution and the Yemeni state and its republican system.

It is impossible to maintain a connection between the Islah and the Houthi. From the beginning, Houthi considered Islah to be his strategic enemy, which stands against the imamate with all its might at various levels, including intellectual, media and cultural. The other reason is that Islah sees that dialogue cannot be conducting with armed groups that take violence as behavior. The solution is to end the rebellion of the Houthis and others and to impose the authority of the Yemeni state and extend its sovereignty over all its lands.

Islah cannot impede the end of the war even if it wants to, and cannot stop the war or impede the end of it at all. Islah does not have the will or the ability regarding with the war. The army leadership is not its purview, because the army has a political leadership (the authority) and has a military command, so what is said about Islah in this regard is propaganda that is not capable of standing up to face the stark realities.

There are forces that benefit from prolonging the war, of course Islah is not among them, because Islah is the first affected from the war. The decision of ending the war is externally decision, that is, Islah does not even have the ability to influence let alone to be the actor.

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#Yemen #Houth