الإثنين 20-05-2024 22:20:51 م : 12 - ذو القعدة - 1445 هـ
آخر الاخبار

Looting and blasting Yemeni homes is an Imamate madness and an ongoing Houthi terror

السبت 03 نوفمبر-تشرين الثاني 2018 الساعة 11 مساءً / Al-Islah.net - Exclusive / Abdullah al-Munifi


The crime of storming and blasting the houses of the adversaries, as well as looting the contents of those houses, if necessary, was not acts come suddenly upon Yemen afflicted by the imported Imamate project, but it is a crime inherent in the systems of the Imamate and in its wars against the Yemenis in the successive periods and stages began since the arrival of Yahya al-Rassi to Yemen more than 1200 years ago.

Events of the history tells that the extinct imamate regime, that was overthrown by the 26 of September Revolution, was committing the same barbarous practices. During his war with the Zaranik tribe in Tihama, Imam Ahmad Hamid Addin ordered the storming, looting and burning of the tribe homes. He did the same after the failure of the 1948 revolution, when he ordered his soldiers to occupy Sanaa and its homes for a week. When Zeid al-Mushiki rebelled against the Imam's rule, the imam ordered the demolition of his home in Dhamar. In the centuries ago, many imams practiced similar crimes against their opponents in various parts of Yemen, destroying the villages and homes of all those who resisted the priesthood.

The old new Crimes

The Imamate project in its new gown and its Iranian-style - that trained in the southern suburb of Beirut under the supervision of Hezbollah, armed with mines and explosives to terrorize the Yemenis - continues to practice the same role more ferociously.

News from the capital Sanaa occupied by the Imamate Houthi militia said that the elements of Houthi stormed last Thursday the home of the financial director of the Yemenia Airlines, Munir al-Habub and looted the contents of the house, where he was no at his home.

Since the beginning of al-Hazm Storm in March 2015, the coup group has increased the proportion of storming, looting and blowing up homes of opponents of the coup in full view of the world. The most houses exposed to all these criminal practices were the homes of leaders and members of the Islah party.

The crime of storming and looting of the house of al-Habub may have been the lightest compared to the accumulated crimes of the Houthi militias against Yemenis' homes, especially in the capital Sana'a. Many of the houses of the residents of Sana'a have been turned into houses belonging to Houthi militia supervisors who came from the caves of Marran, in addition to looting other homes and sometimes these homes are distributed as an ownership to their cadres as rewards.

Since the emergence of Houthi militias in the governorate of Saada north the country, the Houthis have not only confiscated freedoms, violated human rights, confiscated residents' and public property, but also occupied and looted citizens' houses and detonated a number of them.


The intimidation of Yemenis

When the Iranian-backed Houthi militias began their new wars - from Damaj to Amran and the toppling of the capital Sana'a on September 21, 2014, and then reaching the rest of the governorates - the militias' amok increased through storming, looting and bombing houses, targeting all those who reject its coup imamate project. These militias targeted the homes of leaders and cadres of the Yemeni Islah Party more, starting with the home of the late Sheikh Abdullah Bin Hussein al-Ahmar, who was born in the directorate of Khemer - Amran governorate until they reached his home in the city of Amran, and then went to the homes of Islahi leaders in Sanaa and the rest of the governorates, occupying these houses, looting all their contains, and detonating a number of them.

The last operation occurred last week, when a number of gunmen from Houthi militias stormed the home of the assistant secretary-general of the Yemeni Islah Party, Mr. Adel al-Rawhani, in the Shamlan neighborhood of Sanaa. These militias besieged the house and terrified the children and women, when they searched the house, smashed windows, looted furniture and belongings and kidnapped the tenant who lived in the house in front of his family and took him to an unknown destination, while the houses of the party's leaders, cadres and its headquarters remained under the control of the rebel militias.

In the city of Dhamar, the rubble of the home of the adviser to the president and the well-known politician Abdul Aziz Jubari is still a witness to the crimes of the Houthi militias, as well as the home of Major General Muhammad Ali al-Maqdashi, in addition to blasting other houses in several directorates, one of them in the Jahran directorate on the road to Sana'a, and other homes in the governorates of Amran, Sana'a, Ibb and al-Baidha, which were bombed by Houthi militias. Some of these houses are affiliated to citizens and some of them affiliated to a number of sheikhs. The most horrific crime was the murder of the sheikhs of the Aal al-Amri family in Thi Na'im and the bombing of their homes in August 2016.

Taiz governorate witnessed the blasting of civilian houses after being stamped through criminal operations aimed at forced displacement and sectarian cleansing as happened last March, where Houthis blew up the homes of a number of citizens in the outskirts of the Al Shaqab district of Saber al-Mawamid district in Taiz countryside using dynamite. This is the same action carried out by the Houthi militias in other districts of the governorate since its arrival to. Taiz is a peaceful governorate that did not know this type of crimes.

The crimes of the Houthi militias targeting the houses did not stop at the opponents only. By the end of September and early October, there had been confrontations between the Houthi militia and Abdul Azim al-Houthi elements in Saada governorate. After this confrontation, Abdul Malik al-Houthi ordered his militias to blow up the homes of Abdel-Azim's followers from Aal Humaidan and Aal Qumadi, where scenes of this bombing were documented and then broadcast on social networks in order to be added to dozens of videos that show the bombing of Yemeni homes on the Khumainiate scream.

After the killing of the former President Ali Abdullah Saleh at the end of the last year, Houthi militias stormed the homes of leaders of the General People's Congress. At that time, media sources reported that the Houthis had sought to conclude contracts with leading security companies in order to obtain highly trained women and men security elements in order to use them in storming and looting the homes of adversaries. Hundreds of houses in Sanaa, Dhamar and Ibb were stormed by the Houthi womenish elements known as the Zinbiyat.

Houthi militias resort to this criminal behavior in order to humiliate their opponents spread terror and undermine the social rank of their opponents as a simulation of the successive imamate regimes in the history of Yemen, who were practicing extremism to extend their control and rule by force.

These crimes are considered the most egregious violations, in addition to being terrorism and destruction of the property of others and their homes that shelter them. These crimes aim to forcibly displace the population according to sectarian and regional bases, leaving many families suffering from these crimes that force to leave their land in which they grew up and lived.

كلمات دالّة

#Houthi #Taiz #Yemeni