The GPC in Taiz welcomes any rapprochement with the Islah Party and denies its relationship with abusive banners
الموضوع: English


The General People's Congress Party in Taiz denied its links to banners that tried to break through the march organized by the party on Saturday and harmed other political forces and parties.

In his statement to, the head of the Political Department of the General People's Congress in Taiz, Ali Sarhan said that the positions of the Congress Party are clear and that the objectives of the march have been announced through its media, and that the banners that were raised in the march do not reflect the party's vision or its positions, and we categorically deny any link in such matters."

Sarhan explained that the organizers of the march seized more than 500 banners with offensive slogans, whose holders were trying to break through the march and exploit the momentum of the masses, with the aim of hurting others, and to create the split between the GPC and the Islah Party.

He said that the aim of those who did this work is to try to create a political problem between the Yemeni Islah Party and the General People's Congress, noting that there are those who finance the fragmentation of the national rank in Taiz and demonization of the people of the city.

He stressed that those who carried out this work are very afraid of any rapprochement between the Congress Party and the Islah Party, and we openly declare that we welcome any rapprochement with the Islah Party, and confirm that the two parties will remain great political leaders, and children will remain children.

He pointed out that there is a very large trend to the demonization of Taiz, and we in the Congress Party recognize this and reject it, and we affirm that the banners that were raised in the march do not express the party's opinion and has no connection to them and that we are advocates of cohesion and liberation.

He explained that Taiz lives in a stage of freedom, and the Congress Party exercised its political rites freely and the army and security forces protected it, and all sayings are promoted that Taiz is under the control of one party is incorrect and far from reality. - Taiz
الأحد 14 إبريل-نيسان 2019
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