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Basyud: Returning the government to Aden means building, stability and sovereignty, and there are huge tasks that it has to do

الأحد 03 يناير-كانون الثاني 2021 الساعة 01 مساءً / alislah-ye.net - Exclusive follow-ups

Engineer Rabi` Basyud, Assistant Secretary General of the Yemeni Islah Party in the valley and desert of Hadramout, said that the return of the government to Aden means construction, stability and sovereignty.

On his Facebook account, Basyud added, saying, "Citizens noticed how the price of the national currency began to improve after the government returned, then how will the situation be when this government puts its hands on the strengths, which are many?"

Basyud pointed out that everyone has only the support of the government, the governor of Aden and its security director, stressing that there are huge tasks to be done by this government, so we have to be or not to be.

Basyud said wondering, "Is there no way out that is satisfactory for everyone? Wasn't the Riyadh Agreement a glimmer of hope through which we would enclose part of our pain and our problems and complete the other part with it, and the Yemenis would return from their dispersal to build their homeland and dream of a future that meets them and their children a decent life and uninsulted dignity?

He mentioned that the criminal attacks that targeted Aden airport saddened the hearts, but these attacks are not the first ugly and sordid incident, as they were preceded by other events that left deep wounds in the Yemeni memory that are difficult to be erased.