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Chairman of the Taiz Islah Party The sacrifices of youth motivate the continuation of the battle for liberation and restoration of the state

Sunday 18 February 2024 / - Quoted from website


Mr. Abdul Hafez Al-Faqih, Chairman of the Executive Office of the Yemeni Islah Party in Taiz Governorate, said that the sacrifices of the youth and heroes of Taiz who are fighting on various fronts for freedom and dignity are considered a motivation to continue the battle of liberation and the restoration of the state and its institutions.

In a speech he delivered on Saturday, prior to the funeral of his son, the martyr Abdullah Al-Faqih, who was martyred on the fronts of the besieged city, Al-Faqih added, “Our standing and presence today is for the martyrs of Taiz and Yemen. With the sacrifices of these martyrs, Taiz and Yemen as a whole will be liberated from this brutal, racist, dynastic coup that wants enslaving the people and going back to before 1962.”

Al-Faqih made it clear, “No matter how many martyrs we offer, no matter how many sacrifices we make, and no matter how much we and our brothers stationed, we are ready to offer all of our sons for the battle of liberation, the overthrow of the coup, and the restoration of the country and the state, and we cannot stop at these sacrifices and go backwards.”

He stressed that continuing the liberation battle and moving forward in the footsteps of the martyrs who sacrificed for the September and October revolutions and to preserve Yemen and end the coup.

Al-Faqih pointed out the Houthis’ claim to support Gaza and work to lift the siege imposed on it, asking, “Why don’t they lift the siege they impose on Taiz, a fortiori? Why do they not stop their barbaric and barbaric attacks with missiles, drones, and mines, as well as the sniping of children, women, the elderly, and men in Taiz?”

He continued, "These false allegations and these absurd theatrics are well known." He pointed out that his presence today at his son's funeral is a funeral for all the martyrs of Yemen and a stand for the martyrs of Palestine, praying to God to grant the Palestinians victory over global Zionism and those who traffic in their just cause.

